Stan E. Riddle Well done! You have arrived at our website. This can be quite a challenge. We are aware that by now you have likely been inundated with calls and letters from collection companies and marketing people proposing everything from debt settlement programs to short-sale assistance in Pleasanton. Often these businesses operate outside of your geographic area while others may not even be offering legitimate services. As you have begun researching your options you may also have come across online sites that market “local lawyers”, though what they don’t tell you that they are really a referral service who sells the information you provided to a number of firms for roughly $50. Once this happens, you become the proverbial zebra in amongst a pride of lions. The circling frenzy of endless telephone calls just increases your level of stress and makes it even more difficult to know what your options truly are. You can now breathe easy knowing that you have found a Pleasanton bankruptcy lawyer that is dependable qualified and can provide you with the highest quality representation at an honest price. Our Philosophy At the Law Offices of Stan E. Riddle we provide our clients with experience, professionalism and accessibility. You can be secure in the knowledge that we will put care and understanding into the preparation of your case so that you attain your goals in the most effective manner.We ensure that you will be able to speak directly with the Stan Riddle as he and his team apply their expertise to your case. Debt Solutions
Pricing Warning: Be mistrustful of firms that promote rates below this range. Often this is a sign of a firm that is either struggling to get clients OR geared toward a “high volume/inaccessible” business model. We believe the greatest successes in times of trouble come from choosing your advocates well. Hire the attorney in whom you feel the most confidence. This course is better than ending up with “buyer’s remorse”, trying to save a couple of bucks. Our Location The Law Offices of
Stan E. Riddle Dublin Executive Center